
  • tokyo jihen

    so after before our ftk last night, fellow guildie Nick whispered me to check out Tokyo Jihen & Shiina Ringo. which i did this morning. nice tunes, but Sounan sounds nicest so far:

  • azgalor dies~

    11968 the pain-in-the-butt Azgalor is now dead. It was tough keeping the tank up and timing Shields before the AoE Silence while avoiding Rain of Fires (i kept running from one into another), but we managed to do it. Didn’t have time to move on to Archimonde, but the time will come for that.…

  • blog updates

    whee updates~! upgraded wordpress to 2.3.1, upgraded wpg2 to 3.0.2, upgraded K2 to RC3. changed from a 2-column layout to 3-column layout cuz there was just too much info for a single column. the rightmost column (i tweaked K2’s CSS a bit cuz I didn’t like the extra column being on the left) will…

  • back into time: 2x mt hyjal 1-shot FTKs!

    The guild went back to Mt Hyjal last night to continue progression for T6 content. I missed the 1st boss kill on Thursday, but am glad to have attended the raid last night in which we took down both Anetheron and Kaz’rogal in single attempts. Grats, WDK! ^_^ 11962 11965 Unfortunately, the random [item]32609[/item]…

  • de-to!

    Yumekukan is this awesome karaoke place in Plaza Mon’t Kiara (Sunrise) with a huge selection of Japanese and English songs. Imagine two yellow-pages-sized books, one for each of them! Fai-chan was totally at home when we were there, rockin’ the mic with her awesome voice and expert Jap-reading skillz. I couldn’t keep up with…

  • The Eye in one night~

    Now that Kael’thas is nerfed after the patch, everyone’ll want to do him. Guild’s second kill, and my personal FTK, we managed to clear the entire instance in one night. Awesome! ^o^ I’ve picked up my lovely [item]29307[/item] from Soridormi, and am now ready to rock Mount Hyjal! The guild will be making our…

  • singapore = food + music

    Nope, not promoting Singapore in general. But leave me in the hands of my Singaporean relatives and I’m immersed in a blown-out food fiesta! I swear each time I’m there I feel like I’ve gained kilos but tis mere illusion blown away as soon as I reach home. Sat Lunch: Mak Tam’s homemade briyani…

  • tagged yet again~

    Tagged by kittenz. Rules : 1. Each blogger must post these rules 2. Each blogger starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves 3. Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people…