
  • Even Coppers dial 911

    I just finished installing Coppermine. What you can see there now is just a few pictures I managed to salvage (the rest were gone in the previous disk crash). The family went for a trip to Redang earlier this year (not sure when exactly), so don’t think I’ve had that much time-off lately. 😛…

  • Busy streak

    It’s been a tough week, I tell ya. In addition to the work piling up at the office, I’ve been doing a lot of going-out almost every night. Lessee, here are the highlights of the week as far as I can remember :- Been getting back from work around 7-ish every day now. Yea,…

  • Ouchie!

    My leftie footie hurtie so muchie! Firstie me shoe went rubbie on me heelie, Then it got slashed by somethingie in the seawee, Nextie the toey got smashied by something really heavy.. Oh my footie all discolored and stiff as a brickie. And that pretty much sums up my weekend. 😛 Well, it wasn’t…

  • The weekend that was.

    Ah… I’m back. Finally! No more minding my siblings! More time for me, yippie! Oh wait… there’s work. D: Ugh.. suddenly lost the appetite for blogging. Will continue later. 😛

  • Amnesia.

    Emelyn has borrowed my CCS anime episodes 1-18, and 31-45. Not sure where the rest are otherwise I’d have lent them as well. In Singapore with me cuzzies I think… Well, she came all the way from Kota Kemuning just to grab ’em. If not for that reason, I probably wouldn’t have seen her…

  • The true Onimusha!

    Booyah! Just finished Onimusha! Well, just for the story. So.. you know.. I kinda.. bent the rules. Been playing CS with Merv online much lately.. so haven’t had the time to blog. Guess I’ll update ye guys on what happened last weekend… oh wait.. already did that. Well, basically went to Batu Laut on…

  • I ..

    am so bored. am alone at home. wanna go out. don’t wanna go out alone. am so cheesed off. can’t play PS2. have to wait for a certain someone to finish his school work. feel like smacking him in the face. have some Rikku pics. am not sure how exactly to put them here.…

  • To be free~!

    I’m at work but without anything to do. Tsk, that’s what I get for being too efficient. Well, while waiting for all my e-mails to come back, I guess I can poke around with other things, like my glossary and the Rikkusation of this website. 😀 Trying to find the mood though; had a…

  • Test Satu Dua Test Tiga

    Just noticed that the post dates and times are off. So this is plainly a test post to see how I can offset them back correctly. Btw, went to MRC last night (yes, again!). Merv seems to be in the gian mode. My CS seems to be improving (ooh AWP+deagle combo good~) at least.

  • Whoops

    Missed work today. T’was an emergency really! Body.. couldn’t.. move.. somehow. Rainy mornings have that effect on me. Well, at least I got another TV fixed! Woo hoo. Back on FFX on cheat mode. 😛 Hey, it’s the story that counts, right? Also read Full Metal Alchemist Ch. 4. Waha very good!