sunday, day of salmon
another weekend is over. 🙁 starts of on Friday night with a yum char session at Kelana Jaya with Az and Andy (ribena lychee besar). passed Az his baton, which we found was too heavy to stun or inflict pain. instead, it seemed more appropriate to cause injury. :O Saturday started with Khalil’s wedding,…
back from the jungle
hie people! i just got back yesterday afternoon from Raub. it was swell. really really swell. firstly, i got to see relatives i haven’t seen in YEARS! all my uncles and aunts and cousins from my dad’s side, not to mention my 90 year old grandpa who doesn’t seem to remember me. 😛 it…
farewell, accord~
my dad was on his way back to KL to pick us up for our trip to balik kampung, when he got into a major accident. he was turning right at a junction to get a rear brake light replaced, when some ass from the opposite direction decided to run a red light. left…
Khalil, an anime-lover friend, made this cute wedding invitation:- http://ahmadkhalil.com/images/public/wedding-invitation.jpg And Sarah showed me a pic of her and her classmates cuddling piglets at a farm. Pigs! But still cute nonetheless. Anyways, today is stoning Tuesday. After such a hectic, hectic weekend. Monday night: Yum char with the SMBB science gang at Starbucks Bangsar…
string of movies
Beerfest … Snakes on a Plane Interesting setup. Surprisingly entertaining. 🙂 Talladega Nights Susan: Do you know why I think you should get back into racing? Ricky: No, go ahead. Susan: It’s because it’s what you love to do. It’s who you were born to be. And here you sit–thinking! Well, Ricky Bobby is…
old friend?
KW’s back from the UK. for a while. same old guy from when i knew him from secondary school. same old person i met last night, in Bangsar, with Fish & Choo. same old fun, and also the same old annoyances. honestly, i’m not so fond of his personality. he’s very quick to put…
a week of courses, while having a lot of crap happening at the office is really tiring. to the mind that is. just thinking about all the problems, instructing my subordinates and sending emails, while trying to remember my object-oriented programming basics.. i think even my body is feeling achy from the brain woes.…
my body has finally seen some work today. mom woke me up from my afternoon slumber and forced me to take the lil bro down to the swimming pool. it was kinda refreshing, but we didn’t stay down there too long. the best part about swimming, for me, is breaking the water after a…